Why do you need a Smart Door Lock at Home?

A smart door lock at home simplifies life. For starters, no more fumbling with your keys. No more painstakingly going through your key ring to find your door key. No more worry about misplacing your keys, which if we are being realistic, get misplaced the most often. In a time when we use smart phones and watches, it makes sense that our homes should become smarter as well.  And a smart lock at home is one of the easiest steps you can take towards achieving a smart home.

No more getting locked out

You will no longer suffer the inconvenience of getting locked out of your own home. Best of all each family member can have their own unique access code. Now no one gets locked out without keys and you have a record of who entered at what time, based on the unique code. You can assign unique codes to other visitors to your home as well and keep track of their comings and going to you home. Some locks even come with the option of limiting access to specific codes to certain times and days of the week. Another great feature is the automatic door lock option. This can be set according to a timer and will guarantee that you never have to worry about forgetting to lock your door, again.

Convenient connectivity

While a smart door lock eliminates the need for you to have a physical set of keys, it also helps keep you connected with your home. Through your smartphone you can keep tabs on your home, even while on the go. You will have an exact record of the unique passcodes and when they were used.

Smart security you can trust

The smart door lock offered by Cenmetrix comes with a digital touch keypad with random security codes. The sleek design adds a touch of elegance to your home, while safeguarding it. This is why it is the perfect practical addition to a new build, converting it into a smart home. Using either a key fob or access codes you will have seamless entry to your home. Other features you will experience are the burglar alarm and fire detection sensor.

The smart door lock will change your life. The convenience it will add to your daily life is immense. It comes with an emergency battery which means your smart lock functions even during a power outage. The is a manual key bypass if necessary, as well.  Smart locks are the way to enter the world of modern convenience.


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