Biometric recognition systems are all set to rule the future

Meaning ‘life-measure’, biometrics security and access control applications are gaining in popularity and usage. A Biometric fingerprint attendance system has proved itself as a convenient and efficient way to automate attendance of employees. It has also proved itself as a smart way to increase security; it eliminates time registration fraud or ‘buddy punching’ where co-workers punch in for one another and eliminates the fear of a security pin being shared or lost. Same with access cards or security badges.


Science fiction no longer

It was not too far back that a biometric system seemed like science fiction found only in movies. However, today biometric identification has become commonplace with it set to become the norm in the future. More and more companies are switching to biometric fingerprint attendance system for convenience and security. It also reduces overhead costs such as the need for printing badges, creating access codes and replacement costs for re-issuing badges when lost.

Even hotels and airports have got on board the biometric security trend with some even predicting that the technology will evolve so as to remove all conventional means of paper identification such as passports.  Certain credit card giants too have announced that in 2019 biometric identification will be enabled for credit card usage. Biometric credit cards are steadily proving to be the future.


As the technology develops it has also become affordable for everyday users as the prices for the hardware and software come down. The systems have become more advanced and yet simpler to install and use. The hardware designs too have become sleek and compliment any environment they are installed in.


Despite certain concerns, biometric security systems are safe. The data is only accessed by the company that uses the system and that too only for information such as tracking time, employee attendance and providing access to certain areas of a building. The information collected is basic, consisting of no personal information other than the fingerprint or retina scan and in case of companies, the employee ID number. When an employee leaves a company, the biometric data is deleted.

Biometric recognition systems are fast developing and will be the future as shown by the current trends. Companies enjoy the convenience of automated data and added security. Biometric identification has reduced overhead costs and streamlined operations, making a huge impact on profitability and efficiency. If your company hasn’t already, it is time to move forward and be ready for the future with a biometric fingerprint recognition system.


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