5 reasons why you should change your access control system

As your company grows you make the necessary adjustments to cater to that growth. You invest in your staff by sending them for trainings and seminars, you purchase the latest laptops for a more efficient workflow, you upgrade to the latest software available so that your employees are able to perform at top potential. Yet we often overlook the importance of updating our access control systems. If any of the below points seem familiar, then it is time you changed your access control system to meet the requirements of your growing business.


Your company has outgrown the system

You purchased your system at a time when your company was much smaller and had less data to process. Even if you were innovative back then in investing in the system, chances are that now you are using an outdated system that doesn’t cater to your company’s current needs. Newer systems are faster in adding or removing employee data and allocating access areas and preferences and in processing facts. New systems are also able to ease a lot of the workload from the HR department which is essential as the company grows. It frees the HR personnel from data work and gives them time to concentrate on employee welfare.

Your system is no longer efficient

Business growth means you should work smarter, efficiently in order to keep up with growing business demands. If you find that you are spending more time on going through employee data, such as leave details, out of office work or chasing after lost keys or key cards that haven’t been returned by a previous employee, it means that your system is no longer working efficiently. New access control systems do so much more than just log in attendance.

You need added security

Newly developed access systems can add a substantial level of security, because it ensures that only authorised people can access your premises. This is important as your staff and customers increase, and more people come and go making manual records tedious. They also make it easier to remove previous employees that may not have returned their key cards or fobs. The greater control over these that you gain, the greater your security level.

Your employees are struggling with keys

Struggling with many keys, key cards and fobs is time consuming not to mention the stress for your employees who have to be responsible for these during and out of office hours.  Something as simple as fingerprint access eases up the situation for both you and your staff.

Modern business credibility

Your access control system is your first point of contact with the outside world. You may have invested in all the latest computers, printers and technology for your business but if you have an outdated access system you will not be putting out the correct message. A modern access system will not only prove to be a valuable asset it will also help position your company as an innovative leader, in touch with the latest and smartest that technology has to offer.


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