Cemex HRM Offers Unique Mobile Based Attendance Solution to CareKleen

Mobile App to Mark Attendance
Mobile App to Mark Attendance

Carekleen (Pvt) Ltd is a leading commercial and residential cleaning company specializing in janitorial services with a team of over 3500. Cemex HRM tied up with Carekleen to provide a cloud and mobile based attendance monitoring solution for their cadre dispersed in over 900 corporate customer locations throughout the country.

“Being in the industry for over 36 years, we have always had a concern on keeping track of our cadre that has been deployed to various customer locations. Given the widespread network of clients and inherent issue of high labour turnover in the industry, it was not practical to invest in attendance equipment at all the locations. We were delighted when Cemex was able to offer a solution to one of our biggest problems of tracking attendance of our staff across the country. Since onboarding Cemex, we have already seen the benefits of their solution. We have cut down on additional expenses and this has had a direct impact on our bottom-line savings almost immediately. Furthermore, the ease of registering new employees remotely has also reduced our time taken to register new employees drastically” stated Jehan Fernando, Managing Director, CareKleen Pvt Ltd.

Expressing his views, Ziyam Kamil, Director of Cemex HRM said “After Covid19, we had to reinvent ourselves to keep up with current Work From Home (WFH) requirements and emerging problems faced by our clients. We took the lockdown period to re-innovate our cloud-based HR product and came up with features that support our clients in this new normal. For CareKleen, we deployed a mobile based attendance app, where the supervisors and managers are able to use the app to log the attendance of their staff, and the data is sent in real time to our cloud HR software to process the attendance, with GPS location based tracking to ensure accuracy of the attendance. The future of workplace has now changed and Cemex HRM has adapted to be able to support these new requirements”.

Cemex Software (Pvt) Ltd, is a startup focusing on a Cloud based Human Talent Management software, powered by the reliable Microsoft Azure Cloud. Cemex HRM’s current customer portfolio caters from a 15-staff operation to a 2,000+ workforce. The company is backed by their parent company Cenmetrix, with over 15+ years market experience. Get in touch with Cemex HRM at www.cemexHRM.com to find out how your company’s employee experience can be enhanced.

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