Use of biometric technology in access control

Biometric Authentication Methods or Biometrics as it is more commonly known is the computer generated binary code that is created using the individual characteristics of people. This is obtained through collecting data such as fingerprints, iris, voice, faces, palm-veins as well as hand-writing and signatures.

Today, the use of biometrics devices has increased and provides extra security to diverse businesses. Biometrics for access allows for positive identification which is why it is used across schools, hospitals, commercial banks, businesses, government agencies and airports. Biometrics are used in almost all areas of our lives, from unlocking to smart phones and cars to time and attendance to facility access and inventory control.


Biometric devices have brought overall convenience and security to establishments. No accidental lockouts, no misplaces keys or access cards. A person simply uses their fingers, face or retina scan to gain access to the premises. It also cuts down the cost on the need for access cards while eliminating the possibility of unwanted persons gaining access to the premises via these cards.


This leads to the overall cost effectiveness of using biometric devices. They have become very affordable over the years as the technology has become more advanced. There are also no recurring costs because there is no loss of access cards and fobs etc.

Additional security/Access control

It allows simple access control to restricted or high security areas. The necessary biometric data can be updated to the relevant areas, so that it allows admittance only to those with the required clearance. It is a simple process to grant or deny access to the relevant biometrics through the system. Convenient and secure, biometric devices have helped increase security generally.


There is no denying that the modern biometric devices are sleek and blend smoothly with any décor or architectural design. They give an establishment a professional image. Behind its sleek and aesthetically pleasing exterior, the device is connected to an efficient system that verifies ‘live’ biometrics. This pre-entered data, as mentioned previously is versatile and easy to assign to the various access points, where necessary. It is dynamic unlike the access cards and fobs and it is easier to rectify mistakes that may happen owing to human error.

Biometric technology in access control has made a huge impact on efficiency and cost for businesses. It has removed the need for manual data collection and the management of time and attendance. It has simplified the whole process of providing, restricting or denying access. It has enabled the management to have better control over its security and simplified the lives of employees who no longer have to worry about forgetting or misplacing fobs and access cards.

If your business has not already moved to the convenience of biometric devices, then definitely check out some options today. Enter a world of technological convenience and experience the benefits.


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