ATG wanted to track the meals issued to their staff based on fingerprint identification and validate the employee was actually authorized to claim a meal.
The Company was unable to effectively track the meals taken by their staff. ATG has 5 factories and running 24 hour operations. There were a lot of unauthorized meals been taken and there was no way to track this with the large staff count they have. Cenmetrix deployed a CenCafe cafeteria meal coupon system, where the users were asked to place their thumb on a fingerprint reader for verification. Then the system would check to make sure that the staff is eligible for their meals, and within the allocated shift for that day. If the user is unauthorized and is not with the allocated shift to claim a meal, their finger scanning will be rejected and a meal coupon will not be printed. If they were within their authorized times, automatically a meal coupon will be printed through a POS Printer, and they can claim their meal at the cafeteria. ATG was able to save a lot on the overheads by eliminating the unauthorized meals taken previously.