Project Brief

Haycarb PLC
Project Year
Haycarb PLC, Badalgama, Sri Lanka

Cenmetrix recently installed a RFID automated weighbridge system at Haycarb PLC. The system is ideal for any industry as it helps in reducing operating costs and increasing labour efficiency. The self service system does not require a weighbridge operator as the truck driver can himself carry out the task easily.

How the system works

The RFID system identifies the trucks and authorises vehicle entry. The system then captures weight information and sends it to the centralised web application for monitoring. The driver does not need assistance from the operator as the system is fully automated. Additionally, with RFID in place the vehicle entry is secured as only authorised vehicles are allowed to the weighbridge. The system is also equipped with live reporting of the auto calculated weight readings which can be monitored by the back office team at any time. The traffic signals at the weighbridge also ensure that vehicles are positioned right on the weight sensors on the scale bridge for the system to operate and also prevent drivers proceeding too soon.